Thursday, September 30, 2010

Final Countdown!

A little more than 24 hours and I'll be on my way!  24 hours after that and I'll be in Haiti!  I can't believe it's finally here!  After 6 hectic weeks of preparation, my journey is going to begin!

I have a huge backpack (thanks to Sara) stuffed to the gills.  I have found many pockets to hide peanut butter packets and crackers in; I have a travel pillow (again, thanks Sara) water bottle, umbrella all strapped in; I have my towel, mosquito net and sheet stuffed in; in other words...I am ready!  Let 's get this show on the road!

I'm a little concerned with the tropical storms that don't want to let up.  Matthew hit the tropics pretty hard last week and the resulting rain caused havoc in Haiti, where 5 people died.  The island is not ready for such powerful storms and the results are devastating.  As long as I can get there, I am ready for anything.  My worst fear is getting stuck in Miami and shortening the time I have in Haiti.  Pray for clear skies!

I'm loading up my ipod with new tunes as we speak.  I'm charging up the camera battery.  Passport is packed---off I go!

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